My Top 15 Travel Photos

I know I’m a little behind the times, but I recently got my very own Instagram. Yay! Better late than never, right? Well, actually it hasn’t been as quick and seamless of an addition as I thought. Not only am I rapid-fire adding all the people that should have been added steadily over the years, but I also have a very lonely 1 photo posted so far. So in order to beef up my post number (and also because I really like countdowns), I’ve decided to add some of my favorite photos from my Facebook collection to my Instagram. I tried to narrow it down to only 10, but that just wasn’t possible! So instead I’m going with a top 15, which I’ll be posting one at a time, every day or so.

As a bit of a disclaimer, I’m definitely not a photographer. I don’t know much about lighting or composition (I take all my photos on my phone if that tells you anything), but I tried to choose my list based on the picture itself and not the destination. Feel free to let me know (through comments or likes) which ones you think are the best and why! In addition to the photos, I also thought it would be fun to look at where they came from, so once the list is posted in its entirety, I’ll add a map showing the locations. I hope you enjoy perusing my list as much as I am enjoying reminiscing about it!

#15 Crooked Forest, Poland15 (1)

#14 Rua Augusta Arch – Lisbon, Portugal14 (1)

#13 Cliffs of Moher, Ireland13 (1)

#12 BAPS Temple – Atlanta, Georgia (USA)12 (1)

#11 Cesky Raj, Czech Republic11 (1)

#10 Skopje, Macedonia10 (1)

#9 Zhujiajiao, China8 (1)

#8 Crater Lake, Oregon (USA)9 (1)

#7 Brooklyn Bridge, New York City 7 (1)

#6 Bergen, Norway6 (1)

#5 Byodo-In Temple – O’ahu, Hawaii5 (1)

#4 Colosseum – Rome, Italy4 (1)

#3 Black Sand Beaches, Iceland3 (1)

#2 Parliament Building – Budapest, Hungary 2 (1)

#1 Tatra Mountains, Poland1 (1)

Map of Photo Locations:Top 15 Locations

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