Student Perspectives: To Me China Is ______

This semester I’m teaching an English Stylistics course where we delve into the various styles of written English including official documents like resumes and letters of recommendation, but also more creative forms of writing like poetry and blogs. To finish out the unit on creative writing, I had my students use the features we’d been discussing in class to write a blog post of their own, and for added excitement and authenticity, I told them I’d share the best ones with all of you on my own blog.

We decided on the topic “To Me China Is _______” as a way for them to reflect on their own culture and harness their own unique points of view to share something new with an unknown audience. I honestly wish I could share all 46 of them because they all did an amazing job, but for now, here are the links to some of my favorites:

To Me China Is…Golden

To Me China Is…Unequal

To Me China Is…A Land Full of Beauty

To Me China Is…Superficial

To Me China Is…Diverse

To Me China Is…A Peaceful Haven

To Me China Is…Full of Magic Power

To Me China Is…A Treasure-trove of Specialties

To Me China Is…Possibilities

To Me China Is…Changing



One thought on “Student Perspectives: To Me China Is ______

  1. Candace Renaud

    Loved reading the posts. It may surprise, or maybe not, the authors of “Superficial” and “Unequal”, that the same things could be said about life in the US. The last time I was in China was 2000 and I actually visited Anhui Province. Reading your posts makes me want to go back. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
    Candace Renaud, English Language Fellow, Jambi, Indonesia


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